Game of Thrones - Analysis

Game of Thrones is a great book series and show. What I really enjoyed about the story is the constant changing of character perspective. You get to see all parts of the world through all these different character's eyes. I also really like all of the separate families and their sigils and how each family kind of has a different set of morals than the other. It is reminiscent of Hogwarts Houses from Harry Potter. For example, the Lannisters are sort of known as a family that does not show loyalty to others unless it is strategic enough for them to do so. Hence, they had backed up the Baratheon's at the end of the rebellion to have some sort of say in the King's power.

Another really cool thing is religion. The inspiration of the old gods and new gods are taken from Greek mythology. This idea of the new gods overtaking the old is a concept borrowed from the story of how Zeus and the gods and goddesses of Olympus fought the Titans and put them in Tartarus. So that they may rule instead. Then there is also this "God of Light" which is reminiscent of the spread of Christianity only in the sense of having people who believe in many deities go to believing in just one and that one god is their savior. However, the god of light is not exactly benign but the way they spread that god's gospel is similar in the way Christianity came about. I enjoy the way George R. Martin takes inspiration from this.


  1. Skylar, cool. I never made the connection of the religions in GOT with greek myth. But now that you say it, it totally makes sense.


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